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2023-03-12 11:34:52
前言:(1973年英国版、请勿与尼古拉斯凯奇的狗屎翻拍混淆)这片子的经典和意境营造之妙不用多说。直接上歌词翻译。 看过的应该知道在哪里。 1. The Landlord’s Daughter 店主的女儿(
(1973年英国版、请勿与尼古拉斯凯奇的狗屎翻拍混淆)这片子的经典和意境营造之妙不用多说。直接上歌词翻译。 看过的应该知道在哪里。 1. The Landlord’s Daughter 店主的女儿(店主的女儿出场,全场男人轮唱,小男孩提琴伴奏)Much has been said of the strumpets of yore of wenches and bawdy house queens by the score 往年见识过不少浪货,妓院红牌、酒店下女咱都玩过but I sing of a baggage that we all adore the landlord's daughter!但我只为那万人迷的骚货歌唱,店主的女儿!you'll never love another! Although she's not the kind of girl to take home to your mother尝过她你不会再爱了!虽然她不是那种可以带回家见你妈的女孩……Her ale it is lively and strong to the taste .It is brewed to discretion never with haste她的美酒口味很重。小心酝酿,切勿操之过急You can have all you like if you swear not to waste .The landlord's daughter!只要别浪费你想要多少都行,店主的女儿! And when her name is mentioned the parts of every gentleman do stand up at attention只要听到她的名字,每个男人的小弟都立正敬礼oh nothing can delight so! as does the parts that lies between her left toe and her right toe......哦世上没有更爽的东西!她左边和右边脚趾头之间的部位……(最逗的是这时候有两个糟老头子各出一只穿皮鞋的脚,并在一起摇来摇去。警察快尴尬死了。)2. 店主女儿留宿少年时那首Gently Johnny非常有名 意境和曲调都非常美。歌词其实很纯情,不赘述。3. 岛上学校的性教育儿歌《女孩上面有个男人》,也很有名,前面影评中有人翻译过,不赘述。4. 最大名鼎鼎的,当然是店主女儿的裸体情歌:Hey ho Who is there。诱惑无比!据说是西方一代少年的性启蒙时刻。但这首不在于歌词,自己去看。5. Maiden and Tinker (少女和锅匠)最逗最逗的,可能也是最容易被忽略的一首歌。警察开棺发现死兔子后,怒气冲冲去城堡找岛主算账。这时岛主(Christopher Lee)晚饭后穿着苏格兰贵族的古典正装,正在壁炉边弹钢琴。金发的女教师斜倚在熊皮地毯上,端着银杯唱和,调子非常柔美叙事。高贵典雅吧?请听歌词:(女独)A maiden did this tinker meet and to him boldly say一个少女约了锅匠,大胆对他讲:“oh sure my kettle hath much need if you will pass my way”“我的水壶有很多需求,你能不能来一趟?”She took the tinker by the hand and let him to her door她拉住锅匠的手,带他进了房门Says she my kettle I will show and you can clout it sure她说,给你看看我的壶,你一定能使劲抡(男女合唱)For patching and plugging is his delight…插缺补漏当然是他的最爱……(这时煞风景的警察冲过来向他们扔了一只死兔子,把刚到高潮的歌声打断了)然后是几分钟的谴责、撕逼和宗教讨论。岛主冷冰冰送客之后,回到钢琴边继续自弹自唱,好像从未被打断过:(男独)Fair maid says he your kettle is cracked the cause is plainly told“美丽的少女,”他说,“你的水壶已残。原因很明显,”There hath so many nails been drove mine own could not take hold…“已经砸过了这么多钉子,在下的恐怕钉不牢……”Christopher Lee 唱歌的声线浑厚又冷酷,非常迷人。一听就想起他在《魔戒2》中响彻天地的念咒之声。